PPSC Lecturer biology 2022 past papers SOLVED<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n1. coenzymes are mostly————-?<\/span><\/strong>
\n2. Gymnosperms have————? <\/span><\/strong>
\nnaked seeds <\/strong><\/span>
\n3. Aedes aegypti mosquito causes———–? <\/span><\/strong>
\ndengue fever <\/strong><\/span>
\n4. Insulin sequencing was done by———–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nF.Sanger <\/strong><\/span>
\n5. Anticodon is present on—-? <\/span><\/strong>
\ntRNA <\/strong><\/span>
\n6. Chromosomal theory of inheritance was proposed by——–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nSutton and Boveri <\/strong><\/span>
\n7. Which of the following technique is used to determine protein structure—–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nX ray crystallography <\/strong><\/span>
\n8. Sex chromosome in human is——–?<\/span><\/strong>
\n1 pair <\/strong><\/span>
\n9. Mollusks\u00a0present more in —-?<\/b><\/span><\/span>
\nmarine <\/strong><\/span>
\n10. Polysaccharide in bacteria and yeast are——?<\/span><\/strong>
\nDextran <\/strong><\/span>
\n11. Ratio of law of independent assortment ——-?<\/span><\/strong>
\n9;3;3;1 <\/strong><\/span>
\n12. Protein deficiency causes ——-?<\/span><\/strong>
\nall <\/strong><\/span>
\n13. Chromosome coined by ——-?<\/span><\/strong>
\nwaldyer <\/strong><\/span>
\n14. Distinct zig zag appearance of chromatin fiber due to———-?<\/span><\/strong>
\nhistone 1 <\/strong><\/span>
\n15. Somite is not ———?<\/span><\/strong>
\nembryonic membrane <\/strong><\/span>
\n16. Bryophytes is not a-?<\/span><\/strong>
\nvascular plant <\/strong><\/span>
\n17. ADH is not secreted by —–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nanterior pituary <\/strong><\/span>
\n18. Pearl mother layer is ——–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nnacre <\/strong><\/span>
\n19. Ti plasmid separated at which temp from——-?<\/span><\/strong>
\nagrobacterium <\/strong><\/span>
\n20. Sea feather does not belong to ——–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nMollusca <\/strong><\/span>
\n21. Animation not included in ——?<\/span><\/strong>
\nslide layout <\/strong><\/span>
\n22. Genome mapping is relative process of finding location of genes——-?<\/span><\/strong>
\non chromosome <\/strong><\/span>
\n23. The computational\u00a0method between a reccetor and ligand is ———-?<\/b><\/span><\/span>
\nmolecular docking <\/strong><\/span>
\n24. Characteristic feature of insect ———?<\/span><\/strong>
\nAll <\/span><\/strong>
\n25. Red ants is not natural predator of———-?<\/span><\/strong>
\nBph <\/strong><\/span>
\n26. Complete protein is not a ———?<\/span><\/strong>
\nconjugate protein <\/strong><\/span>
\n27. High protein content——?<\/span><\/strong>
\nall <\/strong><\/span>
\n28. Complete protein——?<\/span><\/strong>
\nall <\/span><\/strong>
\n29. Cri du chat is om chromosome-?<\/span><\/strong>
\n5 <\/strong><\/span>
\n30. Protein synthesis is —?<\/span><\/strong>
\non ribosomes <\/strong><\/span>
\n31. Transfer of naked fragment of dna between bacteria is ——?<\/span><\/strong>
\ntransformation <\/strong><\/span>
\n32. Lysogenic phage responsible for ———-?<\/span><\/strong>
\nspecialized transduction <\/strong><\/span>
\n33. Hardest substance in teeth is———?<\/span><\/strong>
\nenamel <\/strong><\/span>
\n34. Fight and flight is associated with sympathetic ——?<\/span><\/strong>
\nnervous system <\/strong><\/span>
\n35. 36 ATP is involved in total oxidation of ——–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nglucose <\/strong><\/span>
\n36. Lowest level of chromosome is ——–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nnucleosome <\/strong><\/span>
\n37. Alternation of generation in——–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nall <\/strong><\/span>
\n38. Autosomal non disjunction is ——-?<\/span><\/strong>
\ndown syndrome <\/strong><\/span>
\n39. Fruit ripening hormone———-?<\/span><\/strong>
\nethylene <\/strong><\/span>
\n40. Carbamyl phosphate enters ———-?<\/span><\/strong>
\nurea cycle <\/strong><\/span>
\n41. Anticodon sequence for ———–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nCGA is GCU <\/strong><\/span>
\n42. mRNA formation in —–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nnucleus <\/strong><\/span>
\n43. disease causing protozoan———-?<\/span><\/strong>
\n44. water is liquid at room temp due to—–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nhydrogen bonding <\/span><\/strong>
\n45. first vaccine formed by recombinant dna is——–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nhepatitis b <\/strong><\/span>
\n46. ABO is——-?<\/span><\/strong>
\ncodominance <\/strong><\/span>
\n47. MRI is not used to analyze—–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nprotein structure <\/strong><\/span>
\n48. Recptor detect pressure are——-?<\/span><\/strong>
\nbaroreceptor <\/strong><\/span>
\n49. Plasmid have antibiotic——–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nresistance genes <\/strong><\/span>
\n50. Freshwater for —-?<\/span><\/strong>
\nfarming <\/strong><\/span>
\n51. Mahsoorain means———-?<\/span><\/strong>
\ngheera hua <\/strong><\/span>
\n52. Intervening sequence of gene is—–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nintron <\/strong><\/span>
\n53. When two protein chains combine to form active protein in——-?<\/span><\/strong>
\nquaternary structure <\/strong><\/span>
\n54. A coiled peptide chain held by hydrogen bonding between peptide bond is——?<\/span><\/strong>
\nalpha helix <\/strong><\/span>
\n55. Novel war and peace was written by—-?<\/span><\/strong>
\nleo Tolstoy <\/strong><\/span>
\n56. Liaqat ali khan presented——-?<\/span><\/strong>
\npoor men budget <\/strong><\/span>
\n57. Spicules secreted by ——-?<\/span><\/strong>
\nscleroblast cells <\/strong><\/span>
\n58. Tirch mir belongs to——-?<\/span><\/strong>
\nhindu kush range <\/strong><\/span>
\n59. Nehru report was given by ——-?<\/span><\/strong>
\nMotilal nehru <\/strong><\/span>
\n60. Graphite used in –?<\/span><\/strong>
\npencils <\/strong><\/span>
\n61. Not a hydridization technique is —–?<\/span><\/strong>
\nnone <\/strong><\/span>